Educating The Population

  • Enhance awareness of male and female community members of health promoting and disease preventing behaviors.

  • Increase knowledge, influence attitudes and promote healthy behaviors among community members. The interventions to be designed through this project, will be focused on the following desired outcomes:

    • Improvement in maternal, neonatal and child healthcare

    • Healthy life style

    • Reduced burden of non-communicable diseases (especially diabetes and mental health)

    • Improved nutrition of women from poor backgrounds.

Our Proposed Project Plan

Our approach can be broken into the following 3 phases:

Phase I

Conducting needs assessment and reviewing content of the existing:

  • Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (HP/DP) training manuals

  • Health messages and media campaigns

  • Information, education and communication (IEC) materials such as pamphlets, posters, DVDs and TV spots in place with health messages on range of priority topics and asses relevance to the health need of male and female population

  • Training package and manuals for training the change agents including CHPs/CHWs (Community Health Profiles/ Community Health Workers), Health Facility staff, District managers and Supervisors

  • HP/DP interventions carried out in Pakistan through donor funded projects /regular program and secondary data available at department of health at district and / or provincial levels

  • Demographic data, (births, deaths, morbidity, life expectancy at birth, age pyramid, literacy, occupation, per household income, etc.)

  • Scan health data to identify local diseases and their management pattern

  • For deliverables of program, organize focus group discussions to assess the effectiveness of:

    • Communication channels

    • Behavior Change Communication (BCC)

    • Community mobilization mechanisms to disseminate messages to the principal target groups of both male and female population

    • Find out the problems to be addressed

Phase II

  • Devise comprehensive gender sensitive health promotion and disease prevention strategies, for the program themes required for both regions

  • Develop key messages, to be disseminated through various means of communication

  • Suggest preparing the IEC materials on deliverables

  • Define BCC mechanism for the dissemination of messages to the target population

  • Develop community mobilization strategy with active participation of male and female population at various levels

  • Outline the content of the training manuals that should be used to train the health providers and change agents (male and female) such as CHWs and CHPs, community health committees, religious leaders, social activists, community leaders and volunteers

  • Define the system for monitoring the campaign and making corrective actions if the messages delivered/broadcast are not achieving the desired impact

  • Develop a HP/DP program campaign that incorporate gender responsive approaches and messages with particular emphasis to address the need of both male and female population of reproductive age, youth and children

Phase III

Based on the above two phases development of a contextualized strategy and advise interventions to contribute towards:

  • Improved maternal, neonatal an child healthcare

  • Healthy Life Style

  • Reduce the burden of Non-Communicable Diseases-especially Diabetes, Mental Health and Preventable Cancers

  • Development of training manual

  • List of the key health messages and suggestions on how each should be delivered and who should deliver them

  • Plan for monitoring the activities of the HP/DP campaign and for taking corrective actions when needed

SAMEO's interaction with Media

Upon the completion of the above three phases SAMEO will produce programmes on maternal and child health issues including psychosocial issues in respective languages. The program will comprise of a panel of experts to address the issues and how to manage acute situations. The program will not only be televised across the SAMEO region, but also be accessible through the SAMEO’s online learning channel.

SAMEO will also bring about clinical and psychosocial issue based documentary programs in several languages and will be broadcast across the region.