Our Goal
Working together with GHP to provide an environment in which all women and children not only are healthy, but thrive and realise their greatest potential.
Our Mission
To convene, engage, catalyse, support and align actions with South Asian and Middle East countries through advocacy, accountability and analysis reproductive, maternal and child health strategies. The analysis of each related country’s health strategy will provide valuable data to the partnership which may be used for Research & Audit. The outcome would help to develop evidence based clinical practice in the respective country.
SAMEO will address the full range of factors that impact on the health and wellbeing of women and children with a focus on under-served and marginalized populations. SAMEO will take an holistic, integrative and rights based approach to support local action through multi-stake holder action and evidence based advocacy to strengthen the health workforce and resilience of health systems to provide high quality, available, accessible and acceptable reproductive, maternal and child health care and to maximize the impact of inter-related sectors, which have a crucial impact on health outcomes for women and children.
Aims & Objectives
SAMEO focuses on the full spectrum of the reproductive, maternal and child health continuum of care with special attention to equity and underserved areas and marginalized populations.
SAMEO has a particular focus on South Asian and Middle East countries with a high burden of maternal and child mortality and low access to reproductive health identifying priority countries, issues and populations on an regular basis.
SAMEO will provide GHP with opportunities to convene and align actions based on emerging evidence.